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Freedom from Sin
You see the churches today aren’t preaching freedom from sin.
Their preaching a covering but oh “You can continue therein”
Opposite of what the word and Jesus would teach
Can I make some money? Ok then, this is what I’ll preach.
What happened to the true gospel? The one that saves us from sin.
What happened to true power? The Holy Ghost that lives deep within.
The enemy has given a substitute which is not one at all
It’s a lie from hell which tells us we are always going to fall.
The old man should die and be buried with Christ
That we can rise by His Spirit and be given new life
Don’t buy into the devils plan which keeps you in death
Buy the truth sell it not and enter his rest
There is true life in Christ, but only for those who believe
Give your life to the Son, and be set free indeed!!
-David Loeser © 2015


Mars Hill
I was standing there on Mars Hill
Worshipping a God I knew was real
He had a name I did not know
Until His Son began to Show
When I first saw Him I knew He was three
Well, did I or is this what men said to me
As I looked at His Word this had to be wrong
God Had been telling us He was One all along
So as I searched, it was not three but one
Then I began to see that One sent His Son
His name was Jesus so that’s Gods name I see
Well, did I, or is this what men said to me
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob reveal unto to me
Who you are so that way I can see
Man says one that is three or two that’s the same
Am I crazy, I feel like I’m Going insane
Calm down my son, soon you will see
Look at what’s written and you will know me
Yes Father I believe that it’s true
Open my eyes so I can see you
Look at Jesus
I did, but He is your Son
Yes and He tells you that I am the One
He is not me but the One whom I said
We be the judge of the quick and the dead
Look at Him trust Him because His Word is true
He does nothing of himself but what I said to do
Now you follow Him and worship me
And you will be what I’ve created you to be
Speak life to the world from the Words that I spoke
Don’t be afraid of Man because they’ve seen what I wrote
I love you my son I’ve put my peace deep within
To guide you where I’ve said when you don’t understand
Trust me, Trust my Son which you become one
In us by the Spirit, My will be done
-David Loeser, © 2016


Giants – Versus God’s Anointed
Goliath struck fear in the hearts of the children of Israel and defied their God. Goliath was confident that
he would destroy anyone who would dare stand against him.
Not one Israelite would dare stand against him alone. But there was one, one who was anointed of God
who did not rely upon his own strength but in the power and authority of his God.
Goliath thought this battle would be all too easy, but he did not realize this would be his final fight. David,
Gods anointed, overcame the one who wanted to destroy God’s people.
But there is a greater story than that of David. One of his descendants, the Son of God.
Death struck fear in the hearts of every man. Death defied the God who gives life. Death was confident
that he would destroy everyone in his path.
But there was One, One who was anointed of God who did not rely upon his own strength but upon the
power and authority of his God and Father.
Death thought this would be an easy battle just as all the men before him. Death did not understand that
in that day he would lose his grip. Oh grave where is your victory? Oh death where is your sting?
God has raised Our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave and given him power over death! Now all who
would believe on him will receive life through his name!!
-David Loeser, © 2017


Knowing God
Can we know who God is, can we know his Son too?
Can we know them as they are without confounding the two?
If we make them the same person can we still call it truth?
Can we change Gods clear words to mean something new?
Will he overlook what we have allowed the enemy to do?
There is freedom in the Son because he points us to you!
He declares that you are The Only God that is true!
But do we believe him, the one whom we call Lord?
Or do we twist his Words or add something more?
Is it simple enough that a child can receive?
Or only empty words that are meant to deceive?
You must understand that or you must understand this,
Things the apostles never said are at the top of our list.
How long will we be satisfied with the lies we’ve been told?
Afraid to stand up with the questions we hold?
Afraid of those who Lord over the flock,
Who say to believe like them whether you like it or not.
“Im the voice of God in your life”, or so they say.
In submitting to those words many are led astray.
Before God spoke through his prophets and in these last days His Son.
Who proclaimed its not my work but the work of the One.
He has made reconciliation between God and us.
A way to overcome all sin and all of it’s lust.
Christ loves us as the Father has loved him,
when we follow his commands and repent of our sin.
The First Adam fell but the Second Adam no,
How God worked in him is what gives us hope.
We have a High Priest, Yeshua‘s His Name,
He’s felt every temptation and yet overcame.
Follow His steps and be led to the One,
who created and conforms us in the image of His Son!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
For fellowship with them is where we find life!
-David Loeser, © 2018