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(Scriptures NKJV)


All throughout Scripture sacrifices are used to represent offerings to the Lord. We see one of the first sacrifices with Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-5) and we understand from both of their sacrifices that one was pleasing to the Lord and was not. Both Cain and Abel’s sacrifices were physical sacrifices to the Lord.

Abel gave the firstborn of his flock and Cain gave an offering of fruit. In the book of Leviticus, we see more physical sacrifices with burnt offerings (Lev 6:8-13), grain offerings (Lev 6:14-23), sin offerings (Lev 6:24-30), trespass offerings (Lev 7:1-10), and peace offerings (Lev 7:11-21) to name a few. Again, these sacrifices were physically performed. They each represented something different and had specific purposes. Also, the first time we see God make a covenant with the Israelites was with Moses when he sent young men who offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings to the Lord (Exodus 24:5-7). These are just a few physical sacrifices that the Lord commanded before transitioning into the New Covenant.


We see the transition to the New Covenant begin to be expressed by God in the book of Jeremiah. God speaks through his prophet and states he will make a New Covenant with Israel and that God will put his laws in their minds, and write it on their hearts, for all shall know him (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Now in the New Covenant, we see more transition from the physical sacrifices. God desires mercy and not sacrifices and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings (Hosea 6:6). This is the beginning of the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. The final physical sacrifice we see is Jesus Christ. Even prophesied before his coming God spoke through David saying, sacrifices and offerings you don’t desire (Psalm 40:6). However, immediately after this statement we see God speak of Jesus saying Behold, I come to delight to do your will, and Your law is within my heart (Psalm 40:6-8), also spoken in the New Testament (Hebrews 10:5-7).

Finally, we see Jesus Christ being the final sacrifice of atonement as prophesied in the Old Testament (Romans 3:25). Now that Christ fulfilled God’s word which never returns void (Isaiah 55:11) we know that it is no longer a physical sacrifice, but a spiritual sacrifice that the Lord requires of us. Some examples are when Peter states as living stones (speaking of the spiritual temple of those within the body of Christ, held together by love in our hearts for one another) we are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus (1 Pet 2:5). Also, we must purge out the old leaven to become a new lump which is truly unleavened for Christ was sacrificed for us (1 Cor 5:9). All glory to God and his beloved son Jesus Christ.

Personal Example (25NOV22)

I was reading the bible (Isaiah 43:24) and it states: “You have bought no sweet cane with money.” God is speaking about physical sacrifices in this text. Moments later that same day, my son came up to me and asked me a question out of nowhere “Daddy what are you going to grow in your garden next year?” I started thinking for a moment about growing more tomatoes or sunflowers. I was contemplating on why my son would be asking this question, seeing how it was late November and we don’t plant fruits and vegetables till the spring. Then he says before I can answer, “Daddy, we should grow sugar cane!” As if the Lord was speaking through my son at that very moment. My son never speaks about sugar cane, nor do I think he knows how to

grow it, nonetheless. Then it hit my spirit with joy and excitement. I turned back to Isaiah, reading again about the sugar cane and witnessed the Lord’s spirit being used through my son. It was as if I was reliving what the Lord was speaking to the Israelites, however in the New Covenant. Not to delight in physical sacrifices, but spiritual ones. The Lord was asking me through my son to offer more of what he has shown me through the love and obedience of the spirit and share that with my son. As if the Lord was saying, sacrifice your children to me too. Not a physical sacrifice like when Abraham offered Isaac, but a spiritual sacrifice giving to the Lord what he wills, which is that no-one should perish but come to the knowledge and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:9).

It truly is beautiful to witness the Lord speaking his word right before your eyes. Some may think this is by chance, but the Lord tells us we must have faith. For it is impossible to please the Lord without faith, for he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). Don’t forget, God says, I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me (Proverbs 8:17). I don’t believe we will ever know every secret or understanding about the Lord until the resurrection but know that the Lord is working in and through all of us TODAY and sharing that glory to the ones who need it the most, his new creation, everyone!

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